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Consolidation / Distribution

Our Consolidation and Distribution services reduce our customer's cycle time, improve shipment accuracy, and reduce transportation costs.

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Wed, 12-Mar-2025

Consolidation / Distribution

Our consolidation programs enable the economical handling of smaller quantities at more frequent intervals. This promotes an enhanced in-stock position, reduced inventory/storage space requirements, reduced freight costs, and provides flexibility in allocating deliveries as distribution decisions are moved closer to demand.

ICM Group have vast experience in consoling LCL Cargo to world wide destinations, we accumulating LCL (less a Container Load) from various shippers for world wide destinations. On this the shipper with his small / minimum cargo also could export is cargo to any Destination in the world. If we get sufficient cargo of a full container load to a particular destinations we will send the same as Direct consol box to the destinations. Our counterpart spread all the world will de-van / distribute the cargo to the respective various consignee.

We are also doing LCL consol for world wide destinations of any quantity reworked at the transshipment port, accordingly the cargo will be converted as a direct box to the final destinations with the other cargo already accumulated by our hub port coordinator. Our export freight for these LCL shipments are very competitive and our reworking / transshipment are faster than others.

We accept the LCL cargo as Total logistics solutions ie., from picking up the cargo till it reaches final destinations we take all the responsibility under one roof in addition to that we are at best on Door to Door.

De-consol : (De-stuffing / distribution of import LCL cargo into Pakistan) ICM Group have our own Full infrastructure for landing / manifesting / de-stuffing / distributing LCL cargo to various consignee.

LCL Rebate to principals / Consol network agents : Our handling charges on import LCL into Pakistan are comparatively the best amongst other consol agents. We encourage our principles with good rebate for such import LCL consol boxes. We offer better rebate because this service we offer to importers is exclusive and faster, and moreover with good rapport with the carrier / customs / port our de-consol is very swift.